Job Vacancies
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Hello everyone.
We are looking for members to start a new web business!
※Experienced candidates wanted
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■ Recruitment method
■ Job types available
✅Web coder/Web engineer
✅Web Director
We are looking for members to start up our web business!
If you would like to participate in launching a new business, please apply. We look forward to hearing from you.
✅Web coder/Web engineer
Job Description
Corporate websites, EC websites, recruitment websites, landing page production, CMS websites (WordPress, studio), EC websites (Shopify), etc.
Required skills
Those with practical experience in web production (approximately 2-3 years) HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
Welcome Skills
・Experience with WordPress CMS customization and theme building
・Those who have operated or built Shopify
・Those who are interested in new businesses
・Experience in direction and marketing
✅Web Director
Job Description
- You will interact with customers on the business matching site Hikaku Biz and acquire and manage projects.
・When working on web projects, you will be in charge of direction and management.
Required skills
・Those with practical experience in web direction (2 to 3 years)
・Those who have no difficulty in communicating
Welcome Skills
・Management experience
Apply here
Or contact us
We look forward to receiving many applications.